

Our April Patient of the Month is 3DPT Tabernacle patient David, who underwent ACL reconstruction via the BEAR (Bridge Enhanced ACL Repair) procedure, a newer procedure that does not rely on a tissue graft and is deemed to be less invasive than typical ACL reconstruction. David is currently 9 months post operation and working to get back to his previous activities he enjoyed. He has earned Patient of the Month for always putting in his maximum effort both in and out of the clinic to return to his prior level of function. David is always willing to go the extra rep and has demonstrated great perseverance throughout this rehab – this is his 3rd ACL repair in 8 years!

Here’s what David had to say about his injury and experience at 3DPT Tabernacle

Tell us about what brought you to physical therapy and how this affected your life.

I started coming to physical therapy because I tore my ACL in my left knee, I went on to get surgery a few months after. The injury severely impaired my ability to place sports.

Tell us a little about your recovery process. What has been the hardest part of your therapy?  What was your favorite part of physical therapy?

My recovery process has gone tremendous because of my physical therapy at 3DPT with Joe Montalvo. The hardest part of therapy was limiting my movement in the first few months. Not being able to run, be agile, etc was difficult because being active is a big part of my lifestyle and hobbies.

My favorite part of therapy has been the last months of trying to push my abilities at PT. Mr. Montalvo has been very creative in making new workouts, which I enjoy. Each therapy session involves something new and unique to make my leg stronger. Joe has made this an enjoyable process, it’s something I look forward to each week.

Check out this video to Dr. Joe Montalvo putting David to the test!

What advice would you give to other people who suffered similar injuries or going through the same situation?

I would advise others to go to Mr. Montalvo for physical therapy if possible. If not, I would strongly recommend consistency with physical therapy and with workouts at home. Trying to do a workout every single day will help you reach your goals faster. Also, I would suggest to look online for new workouts to try, helping aid in the recovery process.

Why would you recommend 3 Dimensional Physical Therapy to your friends?

I would recommend 3D Physical Therapy because of the tremendous care and knowledge the PTs have. They test one’s abilities and truly make you stronger. This has been my third time tearing my ACL and going through the rehabilitation process. I can say without a doubt that my best rehab process has been with 3DPT. Physical therapy here has been far superior than any place I’ve gone to in the past. 

What are you most looking forward to doing as it gets warmer now that you’re feeling better?

As the weather gets warmer I look forward to running and playing recreational sports again. Thankfully I am able to do that due to the great physical therapy I have gotten from Mr. Montalvo through my ACL rehabilitation process.

Physical Therapy can help you reach your goals too!

Click HERE to make an appointment with a 3DPT physical therapist