Meghan Lyons

Meghan Lyons

3DPT would like to congratulate Meghan Lyons on being named October’s patient of the month! Through her hard work, dedication to rehabilitation, and motivation to improve, Meghan has been overcoming many obstacles following several different ankle surgeries. Meghan never complains, always has a cheerful attitude, and constantly pushes herself to overcome every challenge. She is dedicated to her home exercise program and has excelled with physical therapy. Congratulations Meghan!

3DPT: Tell us about the injury that brought you to physical therapy.

Meghan: I was injured in a big auto accident and I had a broken ankle as one of the few injuries caused by this accident. My parents and I were looking for the best place in the town of West Berlin to start physical therapy and getting back on my feet.

3DPT: What has been the hardest part/biggest obstacle of your physical therapy treatment?

Meghan: I would say just learning to walk again was probably one of the biggest challenges throughout my time in therapy. That includes going from the wheelchair to walking with cane. Now, my newest challenges I am facing is going up and down the stairs, as well as getting off the cane.

3DPT: What has been your favorite part of physical therapy?

Meghan: Just being able to get out of the house for an hour to work on strengthening my legs is one of the reasons I like go therapy at 3D. I also like meeting new people and hearing stories on how they ended up in therapy. Getting ideas on how to better ourselves just by listening to what the people are saying.

3DPT: What advice would you give to anyone recovering from surgery?

Meghan: Never lose faith and trust in yourself, in whoever is your therapist, and trust the he/ or she has our health and our interest at heart every time we go to 3D. Keeping the faith in ourselves that as long we keep working, it will be worth it.

3DPT: What is the most important lesson you have learned through physical therapy?

Meghan: I learned that even though there were times I have gotten discouraged, I knew that I had to keep going and to keep working hard. That my goal of walking again was in sight and it was going to be worth it.

3DPT: Who is your favorite singer and why?

Meghan: I have many favorite singers.  But my big favorites are Ricky Martin, because his music is very uplifting. Not to mention he is quite handsome and good looking. I also love listening to Gloria Estefan, because her music has very positive thoughts to all of them. Lastly, I like listening to Keith Urban. Because I think his music has a different style and twist than any of the other country music and singers out there.