
Kinesiotape also known as K-tape is a flexible and customizable material that can be applied in hundreds of ways to the skin. When the tape is applied it is microscopically lifts ing the skin. Depending on how the KTape is applied it can help facilitate muscle contraction in weak muscles, inhibit contraction in the case of an overactive muscle, provide support to muscles or joints after an injury, allow for decreased inflammation and alleviation of pain. Kinesiotape is meant to promote the body’s natural healing processes as well as enhance the benefits of physical therapy. Due to the specific materials in the tape and its adhesive, kinesiotape can be worn for several days to a week withstanding water and slight abrasions.

The therapists at 3DPT are able to assess if you would be a good candidate for kinesiotaping. The tape is then applied in a specific direction with a designated amount of tension to address your individual needs.

Commonly used to aid in the treatment of pain for:

  • Knee osteoarthritis
  • Patella Femoral Pain Syndrome
  • Chronic ankle instability
  • ITB syndrome
  • Shoulder instability
  • Rotator cuff tendinopathy
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Poor posture
  • Overactive muscle
  • Inactive muscles/ Low muscle tone

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