
3DPT’s NFL Injury Review: Hamstring Strains

Written by on November 30, 2023

3DPT’s NFL Injury Review: Hamstring Strains

Hamstring strains are a common concern among football players, often sidelining athletes and impacting team performance. Last week alone there were 24 hamstring injuries in the NFL! That’s just in one week! 

Symptoms of Hamstring Strains:

Recognizing the symptoms of hamstring strains is crucial for early intervention and optimal recovery:

Pain – Sharp or aching pain in the back of the thigh, usually near the buttocks or the back of the knee which may be sudden and severe, often occurring during activities like sprinting or stretching.

Swelling and Bruising – Swelling and bruising may develop around the injured area, indicating damage to the muscle fibers.

Tenderness – The affected area may be tender to the touch, and athletes may experience discomfort when contracting the hamstring muscles.

Limited Range of Motion – Hamstring strains can lead to a reduced range of motion, making it challenging to fully extend the leg or bend at the knee.

Physiology of Hamstring Strains:

Hamstring strains often result from overstretching or rapid contraction of the muscle, causing microtears in the muscle fibers.

Strains are categorized into three grades:

Grade I involves mild stretching and microscopic tears, Grade II involves partial tearing of the muscle fibers, and Grade III is a severe tear or complete rupture of the muscle.

Risk Factors:

Factors such as inadequate warm-up, muscle imbalance, fatigue, and previous hamstring injuries can increase the risk of strains.

Treatment of Hamstring Strains:

Effectively managing hamstring strains involves a comprehensive approach, addressing both immediate care and long-term recovery:

  • Rest and Ice: Rest is crucial to allow the injured muscle to heal. Applying ice in the first 48 hours helps reduce swelling and alleviate pain.
  • Compression and Elevation: Compression bandages can aid in reducing swelling, and elevating the leg when resting helps minimize fluid accumulation.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Medications: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be used under medical supervision to manage pain and inflammation.
  • Physical Therapy: Rehabilitation exercises are essential for restoring flexibility, strength, and proper function of the hamstring muscles.
  • Gradual Return to Activity: Athletes should follow a structured return-to-play program, gradually reintroducing activities while monitoring for any signs of discomfort or re-injury.
  • Preventive Measures: Implementing warm-up routines, incorporating strength and flexibility exercises, and addressing muscle imbalances can help prevent future hamstring strains.

Follow along as Dr. Alyssa McMinn takes you through some exercises you’d see in the rehab process for this injury!

Categorized as: 2023 NFL Blog

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